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Data Subject Application Form


Papel Elektronik Para ve Ödeme Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi (“Papel”) has created this Application Form to evaluate applications made by data owners within the framework of Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVK Law”). For questions regarding the completion of the form, please contact us at +90 850 241 24 24 during working days and hours. You can learn about your rights specified in Article 11 of the KVK Law and Papel's data processing activities.

I. Rights of the Data Subject

Before filling out this Application Form, you can read Papel's Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data on our website: Here, you can find more information about your rights under Article 11 of the KVK Law and Papel's data processing activities.

II. Application Method

Pursuant to Article 13 of the KVK Law, applications to our Company (data controller) must be submitted in writing using one of the following methods:

  1. Personal Submission: Submit a wet-signed copy of the form to:
    Maslak Mah. Eski Büyükdere Cad. Link Plaza Site Link Plaza Block No: 3-5 Interior Door No: 33 Sarıyer/Istanbul
    (Write "Information Request within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data" on the envelope).

  2. Notary Public: Submit a wet-signed copy via notary public to the same address.
    (Write "Information Request within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data" on the notification envelope).

  3. Registered Email (KEP): Send the form by registered email to:
    (The subject of the email should be "Information Request within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data").

  4. Secure Electronic Signature: Send the form to:
    (Use your secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or a previously notified and registered email address. The subject of the email should be "Information Request within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data").

III. Information on the Data Subject

Please provide the following information accurately:

  • Name and Surname: _________________________________________________
  • T.C. Identity Number: __________________________________________________
  • Passport/ID Number: __________________________________________________ (For Foreigners)
  • Nationality (For Foreigners): ______________________________________________
  • Address: __________________________________________________
  • Telephone Number (if available): ___________________________________________
  • Email Address (if available): ______________________________________________

Relationship with Papel:
Please select your relationship with Papel and provide additional details if necessary:

  • Customer
  • Potential Customer
  • Employee
  • Job Applicant
  • Supplier/Business Partner/Subcontractor
  • Visitor
  • Partner
  • Other (________________)

IV. Data Subject's Requests

Please indicate your request(s) regarding your personal data by ticking the relevant box (X) below. Submit the required information and documentation related to your request along with this form.

Demand Choice

  1. I would like to learn whether my personal data is processed by Papel.
    (If specific data is in question, please specify it below).

  2. In case my personal data is processed, I would like to learn the purpose of processing.
    (If specific data is in question, please specify it below).

  3. I want to know whether my personal data is used by Papel in accordance with its purpose.
    (If specific data is in question, please specify it below).

  4. I would like to learn the third parties to whom my personal data is transferred.
    (If specific data is in question, please specify it below).

  5. I want my personal data processed incompletely or incorrectly by Papel to be corrected.
    (Specify the data and submit relevant documents).

  6. I want my personal data corrected by third parties to whom they are transferred.
    (Specify the data and submit relevant documents).

  7. I want my personal data to be deleted/destroyed due to the disappearance of the reasons for processing.
    (Specify the data and provide supporting documents).

  8. I want my personal data to be deleted/destroyed by third parties due to the disappearance of the reasons for processing.
    (Specify the data and provide supporting documents).

  9. I object to the result of my personal data being analyzed exclusively by automated systems.
    (Specify the data and provide supporting documents).

  10. I demand compensation for damages suffered due to unlawful processing of my personal data.
    (Specify the damage and provide supporting documents).

Please specify the requested information and the documents submitted:

V. Finalisation of the Application and Notification of the Result

Papel will evaluate and respond to your request within thirty days. Responses may be notified to you in writing or electronically.

  • I would like to receive a reply to my application by email.
  • I would like the reply to my application to be sent by post.

Note: While your requests are generally finalized free of charge, a fee may be charged if the response requires additional costs. If additional information is needed, you may be contacted through the information provided in this form.

VI. Declaration

I kindly request that the application I have made in accordance with the KVK Law be evaluated and finalized as stated in this Application Form.

Data Owner

  • Name Surname: _________________________________________________
  • Application Date: _________________________________________________
  • Signature: _________________________________________________
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