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Explicit Consent Text


Within the scope of the "Papel Pos Customer Clarification Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data" presented to me as a POS Customer of Papel Elektronik Para ve Ödeme Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi ("Papel"); to carry out data, customer and marketing analysis studies and to create campaigns by analysing these data and to inform me about the campaigns according to these studies, to collect information through survey / call / form in order to ensure my satisfaction, I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data in the categories of identity, communication, customer transaction, finance, visual and auditory, professional and legal transaction by Papel and to the transfer of my personal data in the categories of identity, communication, customer transaction, finance, visual and auditory, professional and legal transaction to service providers in Turkey and abroad for this purpose in order to carry out activities to increase my usage experience in order to provide me with the easiest use while using Papel POS products and to ensure the execution of business processes by making customisations according to my needs by following my usage habits/behaviours.

I declare that I know that I can always withdraw my explicit consent and that the processing of my personal data for the above purposes will be terminated by Papel as of the moment of withdrawal.

USER (Person Authorised to Represent)

Name - Surname, Signature, Date

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